Viewing Test Call Statistics

You can view statistical information on the test call.

On the receiving side, when the first call is accepted in "Idle" state, statistics are reset.
The Device also generates CDRs for test calls if you have enabled CDR generation (see Configuring CDR Reporting). To view CDRs of test calls, see Viewing CDR Test Calls .
To view statistics of a test call:
1. In the Test Call Rules table, select the required test call row.
2. Scroll down the page to the area below the table. Statistics of the selected test call are displayed under the Statistics group, as shown in the example below:

The statistics fields are described in the following table:

Test Call Statistics Description

Statistics Field


Active Calls

Number of currently established test calls.

Call Attempts

Number of calls that were attempted.

Total Established Calls

Total number of calls that were successfully established.

Total Failed Attempts

Total number of call attempts that failed.

Remote Disconnections Count

Number of calls that were disconnected by the remote side.

Average CPS

Average calls per second.

Elapsed Time

Duration of the test call since it was started (or restarted).

Test Status

Status (brief description) as displayed in the 'Test Status' field (see Viewing Test Call Status).

Detailed Status

Displays a detailed description of the test call status:

"Idle": Test call is currently not active.
"Scheduled - Established Calls: <number of established calls>, ASR: <ASR>%": Test call is planned to run (according to 'Schedule Interval' parameter settings) and also shows the following summary of completed test calls:
Total number of test calls that were established.
Number of successfully answered calls out of the total number of calls attempted (ASR).
"Running (Calls: <number of active calls>, ASR: <ASR>%)": Test call has been started (i.e., the Dial command was clicked) and shows the following:
Number of currently active test calls.
Number of successfully answered calls out of the total number of calls attempted (Answer Success Ratio or ASR).
"Receiving (<number of active calls>)": Test call has been automatically activated by calls received for this configured test call endpoint from the configured remote endpoint. When all these calls terminate, the status returns to "Idle".
"Terminating (<number of active calls>)": The Drop Call command has been clicked to stop the test call and the test call is in the process of terminating the currently active test calls.
"Done - Established Calls: <number of established calls>, ASR: <ASR>%": Test call has been successfully completed (or was prematurely stopped by clicking the Drop Call command) and shows the following:
Total number of test calls that were established.
Number of successfully answered calls out of the total number of calls attempted (ASR).

MOS Status

MOS count and color threshold status of local and remote sides according to the assigned QoE Profile.

Delay Status

Packet delay count and color-threshold status of local and remote sides according to the assigned QoE Profile.

Jitter Status

Jitter count and color-threshold status of local and remote sides according to the assigned QoE Profile.

Packet Loss Status

Packet loss count and color-threshold status of local and remote sides according to the assigned QoE Profile.

Bandwidth Status

Tx/Rx bandwidth and color-threshold status according to the assigned Bandwidth Profile.